
Thursday, 12 March 2015

Open water and blue skies.

Today's yet another above-freezing day, and it's been super nice to be able to get out of the flat and into the outdoors for a bit without facing bitter cold.

Today I saw this novel approach to putting plants out in front of your building:

At least you don't need to water those.

Anyway, the birds are definitely enjoying the warmer weather.  This tree was full of them chirping madly away.

Down along the marina, the mute swans were hanging out and not budging for anyone:

And up on the quay, the mallards were likewise disinclined to move from their sunny spot, no matter how close I got.

Out where there was a little open water near one dock, there were mallards and redhead ducks enjoying life (along with a solitary ring-billed gull).

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