
Saturday, 18 July 2015

Foggy day, with flowers.

It's a pretty foggy day again out there — 97% humidity as the weather report says.  Blech.

On the other hand, the flowers in the garden seem to love it.

These thistle are doing their thing up in the Spadina Wetlands area.

Nearby are these (prairie sundrops, I think):

And next to them, this little tree has started to produce berries.  Some kind of hawthorn?  I'm not sure:

On the street edge are these purple flowers:

Turning west, toward the more manicured section of the garden, these yellow flowers are in bloom.  Their name is "The Rocket" - yes really (Ligularia przewalskii):

And across the way from those are these:

And the flowers near the maypole are going just gangbusters:

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