
Sunday, 9 October 2016

October already?

Yep, it is - would you look at that?  Time flies when you're swamped with pointless busywork.

Well, it crawls, but you are so busy you don't get anything else done.

Never fear, though - I've still been taking silly photos when I remember to take my phone with me.

We'll start with this stunning Sheldonesque suit I saw in a window downtown (sorry for the reflections - it was a bright afternoon).  I still can't convince the Mr. to get it, but I think it's truly awesome:

Next up, I just wanted to share that I spend far too much time on my daily commute staring at glass-breaking hammers behind glass that needs to be broken.  It's a conundrum.  Shouldn't there be a smaller hammer alongside to help you get the bigger hammer out?

Then this terribleness!  Walking the dog in the park, there's an area that's got a lot of dropped crabapples and it's got a yellow jacket problem right now.  The poor thing got stung on the back of her thigh, top of her toe, and back of her heel before we could kill the wasp and scoop her up.

(She's recovered now - the swelling only hasted a couple days, and she was using the foot again by that evening, though gingerly.)

Again walking downtown, I sometimes pause to wonder what "eggs" are, and where they come from:

And last, but not least, it's cabbage season again here in Toronto.

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