
Sunday, 17 May 2015

Muck and decoration

Years ago, when I first moved to this area, the city ran these little boats around the harbour regularly, sucking up the garbage and muck that tends to accumulate in the areas where it gets trapped due to prevailing winds or currents.

Then, at some point, this stopped happening on a regular basis.  The story I heard was that the city workers doing this job had been replaced by a cheaper, outside contractor.

Whatever the reason, most days the southeastern corners of the marinas and quays look like this:

It smells as good as it looks — and do note that the white blob at the top middle is a giant dead fish of some sort.  Usually there are a few dead birds in the mix too, though I didn't seem to capture any in this photo.

Down in Ireland Park, people often leave things for the statues there.  Commonly, it's a few coins in their hands or pockets.  Last week I saw a few 20-something dude-bros arranging sticks on them so they all looked like they had penises.  (Gosh, I should've captured that, no?)  Anyway, today, someone had left something slightly different.