
Monday, 18 May 2015

Protests and poutine (and mushrooms, and blossoms, and dog)

It's Victoria Day here in Ontario, which means a public holiday.  It's a beautiful, sunny day, too, so we got out for a long walk over to Coronation Park with the dog.

One of the first things I saw was that some of the protesters for the United Appeals Walk with Israel were still around.

Only one small Palestinian flag visible, but there had been several others until (of course) the shot was clear enough to take.

Across the road was this Canadian thing — that's right, poutine from a food truck.

The park is starting to get its lovely summer shade as the leaves come out.  Up in one tree (out of easy reach) was this bounty of mushrooms:

And over next to the cherry tree that was blooming a few days back is this one (crab apples, I think):

And finally, since it was such a sunny day, we were trying out the dog's new sunglasses (her cataracts are getting bad and I thought they might help her see better in bright light).  She's fine so long as she's being carried, but she doesn't want to walk in them.  Perhaps they're just too uncool.


  1. What is poutine? Nice pictures and I am glad to see you are getting some spring weather. Meanwhile back here we are having fall again. Ugh.

    1. Thick-cut french fries with gravy and cheese curds. It's a truly Canadian food. :-)
