
Sunday, 10 April 2016

Er, spri-what now?

It really did look like Spring earlier in the month.  On the first, I took a photo of these little yellow flowers peeping up through the pine needles:

But on the second, it was starting to snow.  But then it always does for J's birthday, so why worry?

By the fourth, this is what that same area of the garden looked like.  Do you see any teensy yellow buds?  I don't.

They must have been an April Fools' joke.

And by the way, it's still snowing.


  1. I just discovered your blog today. It never occurred to me to click on the link in your Instagram account. What are you studying in school? Between being an OU alumnae and working for Verizon, I could get my MBA for free. Back in 2005 or so, I started working on my MBA for one term, and it was so incredibly time consuming that I stopped after the term was over. Good for you, and good luck on whatever you're studying! It exhausts me just to read about it!

  2. I just discovered your blog today. It never occurred to me to click on the link in your Instagram account. What are you studying in school? Between being an OU alumnae and working for Verizon, I could get my MBA for free. Back in 2005 or so, I started working on my MBA for one term, and it was so incredibly time consuming that I stopped after the term was over. Good for you, and good luck on whatever you're studying! It exhausts me just to read about it!

    1. Hi Angie! I'm working toward a CPA, so mostly accounting classes with some general business education thrown in. It's a weird experience after having not been in school for so damned long, and having most everyone else be years younger. I really wish I'd tried it back in 2005 when I was in my thirties like a lot of the others, hahah. An MBA would be awesome though - everyone seems to want an MBA working for them these days. Mebbe part-time? :-)
