
Saturday, 25 October 2014

Half mast

It was super windy today — 49 km/h winds — so I tried the "sport" setting on my phone which is supposedly for anything with movement.  The first one turned out well, despite the subject:

The flag on the playground at the
community center is flying at half mast.
Futher along, at Éireann Quay, another sign the weather isn't great: most all the rent-a-bikes are in their stables.

Need a bike?

At the end of Queens Quay, along Stadium Road, the Alexandra and National are doing some serious haul out.  They had three of these massive cranes set up, and all were constantly busy.

Anchor's ... er ... boat's aweigh!

Down along the Western Gap the water was rough (for the Gap); the photo doesn't do it justice.

End of the Western Gap, airport side.

And over at the airport, the windsock was streaming away:

Digital zoom sucks.  That's the windsock right in the middle.

The current must have been going strong, too — the leaves in the gap were all bunched together in a long, thin stream through it:

It looked really cool in motion.


  1. Was it at half mast because someone died?

    1. Oh yes -- the two soldiers killed by "self radicalized" Canadians over the weekend. The one in Quebec who was at the mall, and the one in Ottawa standing guard at a memorial.
