
Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Public works … not so much.

It's another cold, rainy day. The photos are going to be dim because I'm still relying on the camera phone and it's actually dim as hell outside. Around 1, the street lights were on so, forgive the night-time non-flash photography, eh?

The colours actually look better in this to the naked eye but a bit grey in the photo.  It's across the Alexandra YC's marina, along the southern edge of Coronation Park toward Ontario Place.

Marina along the southern end of Coronation Park.
The planters down that way have their cabbages in place now too.

More Autumn brassica.
The refinery was going strong today and it was really striking to the eye, but the camera completely lost the details (it's in the center of the horizon though).  The camera seemed more interested in the couple at the end of the walkway who also appeared to be enjoying the view.

View west, along Lake Ontario's northern shore.
That particualrly walkway was, until last Summer a crumbling mess, but someone restored it (though only along the National YC's area, so perhaps the National did it?).   This plaque was set into it when they were done:

So the quay is a public works project right?
The plaque is a nice contrast with these signs, which are also up all along the walkway's edge:

If you die here, it's not the city's fault.
There were a lot of gulls and little brown and white ducks in the Western Gap today, though  I could not get a photo close up enough that we can identify them.  If they are the ones I think they are, they stay through Winter, so I will hopefully have more chances to get good pictures of them.

Ducks (of some sort) and seagulls in the Western Gap
The fence in that area has all these dried milkweed pods along it.

Milkweed at the fence by the National

And then I hurried home before me or the dog froze.

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