
Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Sign, sign, everywhere a sign!

Well the city elections are over — the signs are still up of course.  We will probably now get to see their slow, sad decline into Winter.  None of these candidates won.

Ward 20 candidate signs
Nearby is the (I think) neighborhood-placed "Slow!  Kids at play!" sign which beats that weird old fashioned one with the little boy wearing knickerbockers..

Alternately, maybe Mitch McConnell is campaigning up here, too.
We ended up roaming around Coronation Park a bit today.  I noticed this sign that I hadn't noticed before (in my defense, the park has signs and plaques all over it; you get a bit of plaque fatigue if you continually notice them).  I had actually never heard of the Fenian Raids (attacks on forts, customs posts, and other targets in Canada carried out by U.S.-based Irish Republicans) or the Northwest Rebellion (an uprising in Saskatchewan by the Métis).

The trees make the park quite lovely, actually.
I turned around and there was another plaque right by me.

All about the Second Invasion of York, 1813.
But, today, there were squirrels at least as numerous as the signs and plaques.

This is about as close as I can get before the dog totally spooks them.
Just everywhere you looked.

You looking at me?

Out on the south side, the anchorage is now completely empty.

NYC's anchorage, ready for Winter
What a change a few days makes!


  1. Sign, sign, everywhere a sign. ;)

    1. Looks like I forgot to title the post, today too. Well, your title is good ;-)
